This website is an archive as of 31 Dec 2023. For my latest website, please visit

Matte Lim is a designer, technologist and artist. He explores the interaction between psychology, technology and systems across multiple disciplines. He also ponders on the nuances of being human today through writing.

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  • Do AIs “think”? The challenge of AI anthropomorphization

    There has been an acceleration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the past year, especially in chatbot AIs. OpenAI’s ChatGPT became the fastest app to reach 100 million monthly active users within a short span of two months. For reference, the runner-up TikTok took nine months — more than four times — to reach those numbers.…

  • “Shark smile”, modes of transport, career paths

    I’m recently hooked on a song called “Shark Smile” by the band, Big Thief. From time to time, there are songs that get stuck in my head and in my mind’s ear, play on loop — this is one of them. I went to look up its lyrics. Behind its enchanting melody lies a dark…

  • AI sentience is a red herring (for now)

    The recent release of GPT-4 has sparked many conversations and rightly so. Similarly, the release has reignited some thoughts that I’ve had about AI, which I feel may be pertinent to record and build on as the technology develops. I believe that we are witnessing the beginnings of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), where a computer…

  • Are you free?

    “Are you free?”  If someone were to ask you this question, how would you respond? Of course, how one might answer this question depends very much on its context. However, let’s stay within this indeterminate space and consider the various approaches to answering this question. In common use, the question assumes that the asker is…