This website is an archive as of 31 Dec 2023. For my latest website, please visit


  • Can Recycle Anot?

    Can Recycle Anot? is a searchable recyclables guide for Singapore. (The title is Singlish for “Can this be recycled or not?”) It is a personal project motivated by the difficulty of finding out whether or not something is recyclable in Singapore. To make this app more meaningful, I am looking for small-batch, volunteer-run recycling organizations…

  • Plasplus

    Plasplus is an ongoing project looking into artisanal small-batch plastic recycling inurban high-density areas. It is highly inspired by work done by Precious Plastic. Plasplus aims to reimagine plastic as a precious and artisanal material that is reclaimed from urban waste streams. The name is a play on the suffix “++”, often used in computer…

  • BeFantastic Fellowship | Stories from your Future

    I was part of the BeFantastic Together Fellowship in 2021. It is an international art fellowship that invited “collaborative practitioners in art, design, and technology to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML), data & networks around the theme of the climate crisis.” The fellowship ran online from August to December and connected artists,…

  • Kamp | Vermitube

    Kamp is a collaboration among a few friends interested in urban composting. Vermitube is a worm compost accessory for indoor potted plants. Vermitube is an add-on accessory to any existing potted plant that transforms them into integrated vermicomposters. It works by adding vegetable food scraps and allowing pot worms or earthworms to compost the food…

  • Yara | YaraIrix

    Yara approached sparkpluck in 2019 to work on the development of Yaralrix. I am under an NDA for the project, below is an excerpt from Yara’s press release: The YaraIrix system includes a free-to-download-app (for Android & iOS), which uses the smartphone camera to determine Nitrogen demands of different crops in early growth stages. For…