This website is an archive as of 31 Dec 2023. For my latest website, please visit

Can Recycle Anot? is a searchable recyclables guide for Singapore. (The title is Singlish for “Can this be recycled or not?”) It is a personal project motivated by the difficulty of finding out whether or not something is recyclable in Singapore.

To make this app more meaningful, I am looking for small-batch, volunteer-run recycling organizations in Singapore to partner with. These organizations tend to have a much higher rate of recycling as opposed to large companies whose primary expertise lies in waste disposal. The aim is to make Can Recycle Anot? a field guide for ground-up recycling initiatives in Singapore.

Try the app on a microsite built on Replit ↗

Wireframing and prototyping on Figma.
The web app is built using React on Replit.