This website is an archive as of 31 Dec 2023. For my latest website, please visit


  • Text-GPT-p5

    Text-GPT-p5 is a generative p5.js editor / REPL that takes user text prompts, turns them into p5.js code using OpenAI GPT 3.5, and immediately displays the sketch within the window. I got into programming through Arduino and Processing. I’ve always thought about how to lower the barriers for people to start programming. With GPT, we…

  • Massaged Mirrors

    Massaged Mirrors is a collection of interactive browser-based webcam artwork that investigates how digital technology mediates our self-image. Play with it on Replit ↗ The title is a play on the intentionally misspelled title of Marshall McLuhan’s seminal book. Humans are very fascinated by our own likeness; one of the earliest fictional work about this…

  • Can Recycle Anot?

    Can Recycle Anot? is a searchable recyclables guide for Singapore. (The title is Singlish for “Can this be recycled or not?”) It is a personal project motivated by the difficulty of finding out whether or not something is recyclable in Singapore. To make this app more meaningful, I am looking for small-batch, volunteer-run recycling organizations…

  • BeFantastic Fellowship | Stories from your Future

    I was part of the BeFantastic Together Fellowship in 2021. It is an international art fellowship that invited “collaborative practitioners in art, design, and technology to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML), data & networks around the theme of the climate crisis.” The fellowship ran online from August to December and connected artists,…

  • Pixel Pointillism

    Pixel Pointillism is a camera-based web app about the phenomenon of optical mixing. Pixel Pointillism is a web app that converts the user’s camera feed into eight component colors through dithering. The user can save the dithered image or download an instruction grid for making a pointillist painting of themselves. The project started as a…

  • Rush Hour

    Rush Hour is an interactive art installation about pace and perception. It was a collaboration with filmmaker Victor Gan. In 2006, a study confirmed that Singaporeans are the fastest walkers on the planet. This finding confirms Singapore’s reputation as a nation full of competitive go-getters egged on by its meritocratic system. While being faster, stronger…

  • 60 Second Counts

    60 Second Counts is an interactive art installation about time and timing. There are two distinct words for time in Greek: kairos and chronos. Kairos refers to a subjective time that is felt by the individual through circadian rhythms, breaths and heartbeats, whereas chronos refers to an objective time measured in hours, minutes and seconds.…

  • EZ-Link | Stored Value

    Stored Value is a collaboration between sparkpluck and EZ-Link, a company that creates contactless smart cards that are used primarily for public transportation in Singapore.Description EZ-Link cards store not only money but also record passenger’s trips around Singapore. Stored Value is a metaphor for a Singaporean collective memory that emerges from the sum of passengers’…

  • Drawbot

    Drawbot is my final project for Prof. Andy Law’s Computing Physically class in my junior year at RISD. Drawbot is a wireless pen plotter robot that has no work area limitations. This is unlike most pen plotters in both the open-source community and the commercial sector. It is more broadly speaking an exploration into tetherless, free-roaming…